Monday, December 29, 2008

How do I become an Australian Citizen?

You may become a citizen of Australia in one of three possible ways. These are:

By birth: In Australia people automatically become an Australian citizen if they are born here and one or both of their parents is an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia.

By descent: If you are the child of an Australian citizen but you are born overseas you will generally be granted Australian citizenship. There are a number of rules that might apply to people in this category. These are indicated in the Australian Citizenship Act, 2007.

By grant: If you are a non-citizen of Australia you can apply to become an Australian citizen. You must meet several requirements, which generally are that you:

  • Are an Australian permanent resident
  • Are over 16 years of age
  • Have lived in Australia as a lawful resident for a total of four years where absences of a cumulative duration of less than 12 months will not matter, including 12 months as a permanent resident immediately preceding the date of application where absences of a cumulative duration of less than 3 months during this period will not matter
  • Are of good character
  • Have a knowledge of basic English
  • Have an adequate knowledge of your responsibilities and privileges as a citizen
  • Are likely to reside in, or to maintain a close and continuing association with, Australia if granted citizenship
picture source; this certificate is the sample available in google image.


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