Sunday, December 28, 2008

initial information

انواع ويزاهاي مهاجرت به استراليا در حال حاضر عبارتند از :
Business Visas =ويزای تجاری
Skilled Visas =ويزای متخصصين
Parent Visas =ويزای والدين
Retirement Visas =ويزای بازنشستگي
Student Visas =ويزای دانشجويی
Spouse Visas =ويزای همسر
Work Permits =ويزای كار
If you possess valuable qualifications or work experience and wish to live and work permanently in Australia, you should select the Skilled Visa.
If you are a successful Business Owner, Senior Executive or Investor wishing to engage in business in Australia, you should select the Business Visa.
If you are you involved in a genuine relationship with an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen and wish to live in Australia with your Partner, you should select the Partner Visa.
If you want to live closer to your children in Australia on a permanent basis, you should select the Parent Visa.
If you would you like to enjoy some of your retirement years in Australia, you should select the Retirement Visa.


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